Newfoundland poet Maggie Burton is a writer, musician, and municipal politician, serving her second term as Councillor at Large for the City of St. John’s. Burton holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Memorial University. She was awarded the 2024 Griffin Poetry Prize Canadian First Book Prize for her debut book of poetry, Chores (Breakwater Books, 2023). Chores was also shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award and received a silver medal from the Independent Publisher Book Awards. She has had work published in Prism, The Malahat Review, Riddle Fence, Room and elsewhere. Through her poetry, Burton explores the social and physical realities surrounding women’s domestic labour, sexuality, and relationships through a queer, feminist, working class lens. She is currently working on her debut collection of short fiction. Burton writes and lives on the Avalon where she is raising her four young children.