“Chores is filled with an unflinching directness toward the female body, sexuality, and the familiar rhythms of folk songs that all weave together to create a fascinating experience—one that encourages the reader to confront the beauty, the strangeness, and interconnectedness of the humdrum existence.”

— Jasmine Morris, Room

Captivating from the opening lines, with uncomplicated language and vivid, visceral images, Burton revisits the day-to-day events of domestic life and women’s labour that are often overlooked. Bringing tenderness to the struggles of survival, these poems stir up nostalgia for home and beloved grandmothers.  

— Andrea Hubley, Fiddlehead

“The precision of sound and vision in Maggie Burton’s debut collection of poems, Chores, is impressive and incisive, as she dissects the body politic across Newfoundland.”

— Michael Greenstein, The Seabord Review

“Chores is Burton’s photo album repurposed as a collection of free-style poems, which welcome the reader into a private, intimate family life upheld by the perseverance of women’s daily routines.”

— E. R. Zarevich, Atlantic Books Today